Wrapped Canvas Prints

Canvas Wrapped Print

Our high quality stretched canvas wraps are digitally printed at high resolution on semi­gloss canvas material. To ensure the highest quality and precision each canvas is carefully hand wrapped onto MDF stretcher frames. Quickly transform your favorite picture into a piece of artwork.

Note:   All canvases are now wrapped onto MDF stretcher frames.


  • High resolution digitally printed at 720 x 720
  • White semi­gloss artist canvas
  • MDF stretcher frame
  • Free hanging accessory kit included


Gallery wrap

If submitting photos from a cell phone, please send the photo at actual size or high resolution. We need the largest file size possible.

Note:  Gallery Wrap 1.5” with “fold” edge option require 1.75” bleed on each side. Example: Submit 15.5” x 15.5” artwork for 12” x 12” Gallery Canvas Wrap (1.5”).


Canvas Wrap Prints

1) Choose your Product

Select a product by clicking on the product name. Fill out the product details: project title, quantity, options, etc. and proceed to file upload area to upload your files.

2) Upload files

After you upload the files please click on the Continue button to add the product into the shopping cart. Proceed to checkout.

3) Checkout

Select your payment method and shipping address. Click Continue to review your order. Click on Submit to finish. Your credit card will be charged and we will email you your invoice immediately.

Job Specifications

  • Print Details $0.00

    • $0.00
    • $0.00
    • This realtime quote does not include tax or shipping.